Kopi 7 Element, better known as Sevel Coffee (seven elements), is a synergy of seven herbs which is a synergy of plant parts such as seeds, roots, stems, skin, leaves, flowers, and fruit blended and packed into natural health drinks.
Seven-element coffee is indicated to support a variety of dense activities and keep the body relaxed and fit. 7 Element Coffee consists of selected herbs that have been formulated specifically so as to provide extraordinary and multi-useful properties for your and your family's health.
As the name implies, Kopi Sevel consists of seven natural herbs in the form of roots, seeds, leaves, skin and flowers as follows:
Palm Sugar / Palm Sugar
Palm Sugar as an instant energy source. Many contain elements that are needed by the body, such as minerals and Riboflavin which function to facilitate the body's metabolism and are able to fix cells so that our body remains fit. The process of dissolving Palm Sugar in the body lasts long and slowly so that it can provide energy in a long time.
Palm Sugar, or better known as Palm Sugar, is a sugar made using ingredients from palm juice / palm family such as sugar palm, coconut, siwalan.
Sari palm is sweet water called sap, which is taken directly from palm trees, palm juice / juice taken from palm trees is palm tree juice. The process of taking this sap is very traditional, sugar farmers or called climbing climbers.
Palm sugar is a health sugar because it has a low Glycemic Index (GI) of 35, far below white sugar (85-93), palm sugar (70) and honey (55). Simply put, GI can be said as a level or ranking of food according to its effect on blood glucose levels. The lower the GI food, the slower the increase in glucose in the blood produced. That means blood sugar is stable.
As an herb for relaxation and relieving tension. Noni fruit can make moods better and make a person more relaxed. Relax because the noni fruit relaxes spastic muscles and relieves pain and discomfort.
Noni fruit is often used by the community as an antihypertensive drug, but it is not yet known where it works. This study aims to prove the effect of Noni fruit on vascular smooth muscle.
Aortic trial model used separately from guinea pigs whose endothelium has been removed. The variables measured were large changes in aortic smooth muscle contraction without phenylephrine-stimulated endothelium [10-5M] first and then added noni fruit extract doses of 0.2%, 0.6%, and 1.0%.
The results showed that 0.2% noni fruit extract caused an increase in contractions, while 0.6% and 1.0% doses caused relaxation. This relaxation effect was shown to be significant (p <0.05) and there was a strong relationship between the dose and the relaxation effect (R = 0.894; p <0.05).
From the results of the above research it can be concluded that Noni extract can cause relaxation of separate aortic smooth muscles of endothelial guinea pigs at doses> 0.2%, while at 0.2% doses there is an increase in contraction.
It is recommended to conduct further research to find out the effective dose of noni as an antihypertensive therapy
Ref. Noni Research
The skin of the mangosteen is famous long ago as one of the herbal antioxidants. The results of scientific research state that the mangosteen peel is very rich in antioxidants, especially xanthones, tannins, phenolic acids and anthocyanins. Mangosteen rind has antiproliferation properties to be able to inhibit the growth of cancer cells, besides being able to destroy cancer cells.
The greatness of mangosteen skin has not escaped the attention of researchers in Indonesia. According to Dr. Agung Endro Nugroho MSi Apt, mangosteen peel contains 50 xanthones compounds. Xanthones are bioflavonoids which are antioxidants, antibacterial, hypo-allergenic, antitumor, antihistamine, and anti-inflammatory.
This active biological molecule has a 6 carbon ring structure and a double carbon framework, making it very stable. In nature there are 200 types of xanthones, 50 of which are found in the mangosteen peel.
The ones with the most pharmacological effects are alfamangostin, betamangostin, and garcinon-E. The main actors suppressing cancer cells are Alfamangostin and Garcinon-E.
Seven-element coffee is indicated to support a variety of dense activities and keep the body relaxed and fit. 7 Element Coffee consists of selected herbs that have been formulated specifically so as to provide extraordinary and multi-useful properties for your and your family's health.
As the name implies, Kopi Sevel consists of seven natural herbs in the form of roots, seeds, leaves, skin and flowers as follows:
Palm Sugar / Palm Sugar
Palm Sugar as an instant energy source. Many contain elements that are needed by the body, such as minerals and Riboflavin which function to facilitate the body's metabolism and are able to fix cells so that our body remains fit. The process of dissolving Palm Sugar in the body lasts long and slowly so that it can provide energy in a long time.
Palm Sugar, or better known as Palm Sugar, is a sugar made using ingredients from palm juice / palm family such as sugar palm, coconut, siwalan.
Sari palm is sweet water called sap, which is taken directly from palm trees, palm juice / juice taken from palm trees is palm tree juice. The process of taking this sap is very traditional, sugar farmers or called climbing climbers.
Palm sugar is a health sugar because it has a low Glycemic Index (GI) of 35, far below white sugar (85-93), palm sugar (70) and honey (55). Simply put, GI can be said as a level or ranking of food according to its effect on blood glucose levels. The lower the GI food, the slower the increase in glucose in the blood produced. That means blood sugar is stable.
As an herb for relaxation and relieving tension. Noni fruit can make moods better and make a person more relaxed. Relax because the noni fruit relaxes spastic muscles and relieves pain and discomfort.
Noni fruit is often used by the community as an antihypertensive drug, but it is not yet known where it works. This study aims to prove the effect of Noni fruit on vascular smooth muscle.
Aortic trial model used separately from guinea pigs whose endothelium has been removed. The variables measured were large changes in aortic smooth muscle contraction without phenylephrine-stimulated endothelium [10-5M] first and then added noni fruit extract doses of 0.2%, 0.6%, and 1.0%.
The results showed that 0.2% noni fruit extract caused an increase in contractions, while 0.6% and 1.0% doses caused relaxation. This relaxation effect was shown to be significant (p <0.05) and there was a strong relationship between the dose and the relaxation effect (R = 0.894; p <0.05).
From the results of the above research it can be concluded that Noni extract can cause relaxation of separate aortic smooth muscles of endothelial guinea pigs at doses> 0.2%, while at 0.2% doses there is an increase in contraction.
It is recommended to conduct further research to find out the effective dose of noni as an antihypertensive therapy
Ref. Noni Research
The skin of the mangosteen is famous long ago as one of the herbal antioxidants. The results of scientific research state that the mangosteen peel is very rich in antioxidants, especially xanthones, tannins, phenolic acids and anthocyanins. Mangosteen rind has antiproliferation properties to be able to inhibit the growth of cancer cells, besides being able to destroy cancer cells.
The greatness of mangosteen skin has not escaped the attention of researchers in Indonesia. According to Dr. Agung Endro Nugroho MSi Apt, mangosteen peel contains 50 xanthones compounds. Xanthones are bioflavonoids which are antioxidants, antibacterial, hypo-allergenic, antitumor, antihistamine, and anti-inflammatory.
This active biological molecule has a 6 carbon ring structure and a double carbon framework, making it very stable. In nature there are 200 types of xanthones, 50 of which are found in the mangosteen peel.
The ones with the most pharmacological effects are alfamangostin, betamangostin, and garcinon-E. The main actors suppressing cancer cells are Alfamangostin and Garcinon-E.
The skin of the mangosteen is famous long ago as one of the herbal antioxidants. The results are very rich in antioxidants, especially xanthones, tannins, phenolic acids and anthocyanins. Mangosteen rind has antiproliferation properties to be able to destroy cancer cells.
The greatness of mangosteen skin has not been considered the attention of researchers in Indonesia. According to Dr. Agung Endro Nugroho MSi Apt, mangosteen peel contains 50 xanthones compounds. Xanthones are bioflavonoids which are antioxidants, antibacterial, hypo-allergenic, antitumor, antihistamine, and anti-inflammatory.
This active biological molecule has a 6 carbon ring structure and a double carbon framework, making it very stable. In nature there are 200 types of xanthones, 50 of which are found in the mangosteen peel.
The most pharmacological effects are Alfamangostin, Betamangostin, and Garcinon-E. The main actors suppressing cancer cells are Alfamangostin and Garcinon-E.
Both inhibit the proliferation of cancer cells by activating Caspase 3 and 9 enzymes, which trigger apoptosis or cancer cell suicide programs. Alfamangostin also activates the immune system by stimulating natural killer cells which are responsible for killing cancer cells and viruses.
Various research results show the mangosteen peel is rich in antioxidants, especially anthocyanins, xanthones, tannins, and phenolic acids. Free radicals (atoms or groups of atoms that are free or not bound to other clusters) can capture hydrogen molecules, fatty acids, heavy metals which ultimately lead to a variety of degenerative diseases.
The high levels of antioxidants contained in the skin of the mangosteen fruit have good and beneficial properties for the body, such as anti-inflammation, anti-diabetes, anti-cancer, anti-bacterial, anti-fungal, anti-plasmodial, and can improve immunity body, hepatoprotective.
In the xanthones, 14 types of derivative compounds were identified. The most contained in the mangosteen fruit is the content of alpha-mangostin and gamma-mangostin. What is alpha-mangostin?
Alpha-mangostin is a compound that is very effective in suppressing the formation of carcinogenic compounds in the colon. In addition to alpha-mangostin, xanthones also contain gamma-mangostin which also has many benefits in providing protection or making efforts to prevent disease attacks.
According to research that has been carried out since the 1970s, both derivatives of xanthones can stop the inflammation or inflammation process by inhibiting the COX-2 enzyme which is an inflammatory enzyme.
In another study also found the fact that gamma-mangostin has anti-inflammatory properties that are far better than the inflammatory drugs that have been circulating in the market.
Thus, gamma-mangostin is able to provide protection against diseases that cause inflammation such as Alzheimer's and arthritis.
Anthocyanin also has the ability as a good anti-oxidant and has an important role in preventing several diseases such as cancer, diabetes, cardiovascular, and neuronal.
Anthocyanin is a group of pigments found in plants and is usually found in flowers, vegetables and fruits such as Mangosteen, Stroberry, Rasberry, Apple, and others.
Tanin, another compound contained in the mangosteen peel, has antioxidant activity that can inhibit enzymes such as DNA topoisomerase, anti-diarrhea, hemostatic, anti-hemorrhoidal, and also inhibits tumor growth.
Tanin itself is able to form strong complexes with proteins so that it can inhibit protein absorption in digestion. In other words it can be called anti-nutrition.
Therefore, tannin levels in food products should be considered and carefully formulated so that the levels are safe for human digestion.
Anti cancer
Several studies have shown that the content of xanthones in the mangosteen peel can act as an anti-cancer compound. Mangosteen rind has antiproliferation properties to be able to inhibit the growth of cancer cells, besides being able to destroy cancer cells.
Anti-inflammation (inflammation)
Mangosteen rind has the ability to be anti-inflammatory. To prove this, the research carried out was using mangostin from 40% ethanol extract which had inhibitory activity against the release of nystamine and synthesis of prostagladin E2 as an inflammatory intermediary. The content of ethanol extract in the mangosteen rind can reduce free radicals strongly.
Mangosteen peel is also known to have anti-microbial power against several bacteria such as Staphylococcus aureus. This bacterium is very resistant to the anti-biotic methicillin.
The skin of the mangosteen is famous long ago as one of the herbal antioxidants. The results are very rich in antioxidants, especially xanthones, tannins, phenolic acids and anthocyanins. Mangosteen rind has antiproliferation properties to be able to destroy cancer cells.
The greatness of mangosteen skin has not been considered the attention of researchers in Indonesia. According to Dr. Agung Endro Nugroho MSi Apt, mangosteen peel contains 50 xanthones compounds. Xanthones are bioflavonoids which are antioxidants, antibacterial, hypo-allergenic, antitumor, antihistamine, and anti-inflammatory.
This active biological molecule has a 6 carbon ring structure and a double carbon framework, making it very stable. In nature there are 200 types of xanthones, 50 of which are found in the mangosteen peel.
The most pharmacological effects are Alfamangostin, Betamangostin, and Garcinon-E. The main actors suppressing cancer cells are Alfamangostin and Garcinon-E.
Both inhibit the proliferation of cancer cells by activating Caspase 3 and 9 enzymes, which trigger apoptosis or cancer cell suicide programs. Alfamangostin also activates the immune system by stimulating natural killer cells which are responsible for killing cancer cells and viruses.
Various research results show the mangosteen peel is rich in antioxidants, especially anthocyanins, xanthones, tannins, and phenolic acids. Free radicals (atoms or groups of atoms that are free or not bound to other clusters) can capture hydrogen molecules, fatty acids, heavy metals which ultimately lead to a variety of degenerative diseases.
The high levels of antioxidants contained in the skin of the mangosteen fruit have good and beneficial properties for the body, such as anti-inflammation, anti-diabetes, anti-cancer, anti-bacterial, anti-fungal, anti-plasmodial, and can improve immunity body, hepatoprotective.
In the xanthones, 14 types of derivative compounds were identified. The most contained in the mangosteen fruit is the content of alpha-mangostin and gamma-mangostin. What is alpha-mangostin?
Alpha-mangostin is a compound that is very effective in suppressing the formation of carcinogenic compounds in the colon. In addition to alpha-mangostin, xanthones also contain gamma-mangostin which also has many benefits in providing protection or making efforts to prevent disease attacks.
According to research that has been carried out since the 1970s, both derivatives of xanthones can stop the inflammation or inflammation process by inhibiting the COX-2 enzyme which is an inflammatory enzyme.
In another study also found the fact that gamma-mangostin has anti-inflammatory properties that are far better than the inflammatory drugs that have been circulating in the market.
Thus, gamma-mangostin is able to provide protection against diseases that cause inflammation such as Alzheimer's and arthritis.
Anthocyanin also has the ability as a good anti-oxidant and has an important role in preventing several diseases such as cancer, diabetes, cardiovascular, and neuronal.
Anthocyanin is a group of pigments found in plants and is usually found in flowers, vegetables and fruits such as Mangosteen, Stroberry, Rasberry, Apple, and others.
Tanin, another compound contained in the mangosteen peel, has antioxidant activity that can inhibit enzymes such as DNA topoisomerase, anti-diarrhea, hemostatic, anti-hemorrhoidal, and also inhibits tumor growth.
Tanin itself is able to form strong complexes with proteins so that it can inhibit protein absorption in digestion. In other words it can be called anti-nutrition.
Therefore, tannin levels in food products should be considered and carefully formulated so that the levels are safe for human digestion.
Anti cancer
Several studies have shown that the content of xanthones in the mangosteen peel can act as an anti-cancer compound. Mangosteen rind has antiproliferation properties to be able to inhibit the growth of cancer cells, besides being able to destroy cancer cells.
Anti-inflammation (inflammation)
Mangosteen rind has the ability to be anti-inflammatory. To prove this, the research carried out was using mangostin from 40% ethanol extract which had inhibitory activity against the release of nystamine and synthesis of prostagladin E2 as an inflammatory intermediary. The content of ethanol extract in the mangosteen rind can reduce free radicals strongly.
Mangosteen peel is also known to have anti-microbial power against several bacteria such as Staphylococcus aureus. This bacterium is very resistant to the anti-biotic methicillin.
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